
Files.com maintains comprehensive audit logs of who, what, when, where, and how your files are modified. This information can be accessed and retrieved in various locations using several methods. Audit logs and similar reporting information are categorized into several topics as shown below.

Settings and ConfigurationsShows changes made to site-wide settings and configurations, and changes made to folder settings.
Site activity historyShows site-wide activity of files, user accounts, groups, logins, permissions, and API Keys.
User activity historyShows the selected user's activity. Includes file and folder activity by the user, login attempts by the user, and changes made to the user account by an administrator.
Folder activity historyShows the selected folder's activity. Includes file and folder activity performed within the selected folder.
Share Link usageShows the download activity for the selected Share Link.
Inbox usageShows the upload activity for the selected Inbox.
Inbox registrationsShows details of the user registrations for the selected Inbox.
External eventsShows events that occurred when interacting with external systems. Includes Remote Servers, external identity systems (LDAP, SAML), and the Files.com CLI App.
Webhook activityShows the results of webhook calls made from your Files.com site to other systems.
Automation activityShows the actions performed by the selected automation and their results.
AS2 transmissionsShows the inbound and outbound AS2 transmissions between your Files.com site and your AS2 trading partners. Includes Message Disposition Notification (MDN) information.
Site usageShows site-wide utilization of storage, bandwidth, APIs, and user accounts of your Files.com site.
Inbound EmailsShows list of the emails received for inboxes configured with an email address.

Settings and Configurations

This log shows the changes made to site-wide settings and configurations, and changes made to folder settings.

It includes changes made by administrators to various settings, such as your site branding, custom domain information, global file expiration settings, storage regions, remote servers, user accounts, automations, and folder settings.

Folder settings changes include Inbox settings, Remote Server Mount configuration, Remote Server Sync configuration, Webhook configuration, Publicly Serve configuration, file extension restrictions, and other folder settings.

Web UI

Type "Settings Changes" in the search bar at the top of any page, then click on the matching result.


The information in the Settings Changes log can be retrieved programmatically using the List Settings Changes API.


You can use the Files.com CLI App to retrieve the information in the Settings Changes log by using the following command options.

files-cli settings-changes list

Site Activity History

This log shows the site-wide activity of files, user accounts, groups, logins, permissions, and API Keys. We retain these logs for 7 years.

The recorded events includes the creation, reading, updating, deletion, movement, and copying of files. Note that certain file actions lack a specific user association, such as when an external contact uploads to an inbox or downloads from a share link. Additionally, the log captures the dynamic lifecycle of user accounts and groups, detailing their creation, updating, and deletion. It also monitors the outcomes of login attempts, whether they succeed or fail. However, it's worth mentioning that not every login activity is logged for protocols like FTP, SFTP, and WebDAV, as some FTP clients may reconnect multiple times for a single user action. To enhance log readability, repeated logins from the same IP and protocol within a small timeframe are consolidated.

Furthermore, the log documents changes in permissions to folders, recording instances where permission is added or removed. Additionally, it tracks the lifecycle of API keys, from their creation to subsequent updates and eventual deletion. This comprehensive log provides a detailed and organized account of crucial site activities and changes.

Web UI

To access the Site Activity History log within the Files.com web UI, type "History" in the search bar at the top of every page, then click on the matching result.


The information in the Site Activity History log can be retrieved programmatically using the Show History Export API.


You can use the Files.com CLI App to retrieve the information in the Site Activity History log by using the following command options:

files-cli histories list --start-at "2022-07-01T08:00:00Z" --end-at "2022-07-08T17:30:00Z" --format csv

User Activity History

This log shows the activity of the selected user as well as changes made to the selected user account by an administrator. We retain these logs for 7 years.

User Activity History shows what a user does, like creating, reading, updating, deleting, moving, copying, and downloading files, as well as when their account is made, changed, or deleted by an administrator. It also records if the user's login attempt succeeds or fails. But, for protocols like FTP, SFTP, and WebDAV, repeated logins from the same IP and protocol within a small timeframe are combined to make the logs easier to read.

Web UI

To access a user's activity history, edit the user, then click the History tab.


The information in the User Activity History log can be retrieved programmatically using the List History For Specific User API.


You can use the Files.com CLI App to retrieve the information in the User Activity History log by using the following commands.

First, use this command to list the users and capture the USER-ID of the user that you want to target:

files-cli users list

Then, use this command to retrieve the log information of the specified user (making sure to replace <USER-ID> with the numeric ID returned from the prior command above):

files-cli histories list-for-user --user-id <USER-ID>

Folder Activity History

This log shows the file and folder activity performed within the selected folder. We retain these logs for 7 years.

Folder Activity History log It covers actions like creating, reading, updating, deleting, moving, copying, and downloading files, as well as creating, updating, deleting, renaming (moving), and copying folders, along with information about the user who carried out these actions.

Web UI

You can access the Folder Activity History log within the Files.com web UI by navigating to Files > selected folder > File history.


The information in the Folder Activity History log can be retrieved programmatically using the List History For Specific Folder API.


You can use the Files.com CLI App to retrieve the information in the Folder Activity History log by using the following command options:

files-cli histories list-for-folder --path path/to/folder

This log shows the download activity for the selected Share Link. Only downloads are included in the activity; if a share link recipient visits the share link but does not download, there will be no activity recorded for them in this log. For this reason, share links set to Preview Only mode will not display any activity in the log. We retain these logs for 1 year.

Share Link Usage log contains details like which files were downloaded, the method used (individual file or ZIP file), and the registered user who initiated the action, provided registration was necessary for the Share Link.

File activity generated by external contacts using Share Links is also captured in the Site Activity History, but because it is not associated with a logged-in user, no username will appear in the Site Activity History for this type of activity.

Web UI

To view the Share Link Usage log in the Files.com web UI, edit the Share Link's settings and click the Access Logs tab.


The information in the Share Link Usage log can be retrieved programmatically using the List Bundle Downloads API.


You can use the Files.com CLI App to retrieve the information in the Share Link Usage log by using the following commands.

First, use this command to list the Share Links (bundles) and capture the ID of the Share Link (bundle) that you want to target:

files-cli bundles list

Then, use this command to access the Share Link (bundle) access log of the specified Share Link (making sure to replace <ID> with the correct ID returned from the prior command above):

files-cli bundle-downloads list --bundle-id <ID>

Inbox Usage

Inbox Usage log shows the upload activity for the selected Inbox. We retain these logs for 1 year.

It includes items such as which files were uploaded, including the folder path to where they were uploaded, and specifies the registered user responsible for the action, in cases where registration was necessary for the Inbox.

Uploads to inboxes are also captured in the Site Activity History. Because these actions are not associated with a logged-in user, the username in the Site Activity History will be blank.

Web UI

To view the Inbox Usage log in the Files.com web UI, edit the Inbox's settings and click the Access Logs tab.


The information in the Inbox Usage log can be retrieved programmatically using the Inbox Uploads API.


You can use the Files.com CLI App to retrieve the information in the Inbox Usage log by using the following commands.

First, use this command to list the Inboxes (folder behavior of the type "inbox") and capture the ID of the Inbox (behavior) that you want to target:

files-cli behaviors list --behavior inbox

Then, use this command to access the Inbox (behavior) access log of the specified Inbox (making sure to replace <ID> with the correct ID returned from the prior command above):

files-cli inbox-uploads list --inbox-id <ID>

Inbox Registrations

This log shows details of the user registrations for the selected Inbox. We retain these logs for 1 year.

It includes items such as the responses provided by the user to the input fields of the registration form used for this Inbox, and the ClickWrap used for the registration, if one was required for the Inbox.

The standard input fields for a registration form are Name, Email Address, and Company Name. If a Custom Form is used for the Inbox registration, then the field names will match those used in the Custom Form and the responses to the custom input fields will be included in the log.

Web UI

To view the Inbox Registrations log in the Files.com web UI, edit the Inbox's settings and click the Registrations tab.


The information in the Inbox Registrations log can be retrieved programmatically using the List Inbox Registrations API.


You can use the Files.com CLI App to retrieve the information in the Inbox Registrations log by using the following commands.

First, use this command to list the Inboxes (folder behavior of the type "inbox") and capture the ID of the Inbox (behavior) that you want to target:

files-cli behaviors list --behavior inbox

Then, use this command to access the Inbox Registrations log of the specified Inbox (making sure to replace <ID> with the correct ID returned from the prior command above):

files-cli inbox-registrations list --folder-behavior-id <ID>

External Events

This log shows events that occurred when interacting with external systems, including Remote Servers, external identity systems (LDAP, SAML), and the Files.com CLI App. We retain these logs for 30 days.

It includes various items, such as logs sent from the Files.com CLI App detailing uploads and downloads, login attempts, login successes, and login failures for users using LDAP or SAML authentication, synchronization events from an external LDAP system to your Files.com account, and remote server synchronization events involving scheduled pushes and pulls of files and folders between Files.com and the remote server.

Web UI

To access the External Events log within the Files.com web UI, type "External logs" in the search bar at the top of each page, and then click on the matching result.


The information in the External Events log can be retrieved programmatically using the List External Events API.


You can use the Files.com CLI App to retrieve the information in the External Events log by using the following command.

files-cli external-events list

Webhook Activity

This log shows the results of webhook calls made from your Files.com site to other systems. We retain these logs for 30 days.

It includes details such as the file that triggered the webhook, the folder where the file was located (which contains the configuration for this webhook), and the URL that the webhook called.

Webhook Activity log also includes the HTTP request method (for example, POST or GET), the sent HTTP request headers, and the returned HTTP response code and response message from the remote API.

Web UI

To access the Webhook Activity log within the Files.com web UI, type "Webhook logs" in the search bar at the top of each page, and then click on the matching result.


The information in the Webhook Activity log can be retrieved programmatically using the Create Action Notification Export API.


You can use the Files.com CLI App to retrieve the information in the Webhook Activity log by using the following commands.

First, use this command to create the log export, and capture the ID of the export:

files-cli action-notification-exports create --start-at "2022-07-01T08:00:00Z" --end-at "2022-07-08T17:30:00Z"

Then, use this command to access the Webhook Activity log of the specified export (making sure to replace <ID> with the correct ID returned from the prior command above):

files-cli action-notification-export-results list --action-notification-export-id <ID>

Automation Activity

This log shows the actions performed, and their results, of the selected automation. We retain these logs for 30 days.

Possible actions can include copy, move, delete, create folder, and request file.

This log, along with the Details button for each entry, includes information such as the ending status of the automation run, its start and end times, the actions (operations) performed, any response messages, and the source and destination paths of the affected item or file.

Web UI

You can access the Automation Activity log within the Files.com web UI by editing the Automation settings and selecting the Run Logs tab. The Details button provides information about the actions that occurred during this run of the automation.


The information in the Automation Activity log can be retrieved programmatically using the List Automation Runs API.


You can use the Files.com CLI App to retrieve the information in the Automation Activity log by using the following commands.

First, use this command to list the automations, and capture the ID of the automation that you want to target:

files-cli automations list

Then, use this command to access the Automation Activity log of the specified automation (making sure to replace <ID> with the correct ID returned from the prior command above):

files-cli automation-runs list --automation-id <ID>

If you need the detailed information for each step of the automation, then use the STATUS_MESSAGES_URL that was returned in the above command, and retrieve the details from it using a web browser or a GET web request.

AS2 Transmissions

This log shows the inbound and outbound AS2 transmissions between your Files.com site and your AS2 trading partners. It includes Message Disposition Notification (MDN) information, if it is available. We retain these logs for 30 days.

This log provides comprehensive information, including the transmission direction (Inbound or Outbound), the sender's Trading Partner ID, the recipient's Trading Partner ID, the end status of the transmission (success or failure), the size and name of the transmitted file. Additionally, it offers a link to the file contents if available, indicates the presence of a Message Disposition Notification (MDN) for the transfer, and provides a link to view the MDN if it exists. The log further details the results of AS2 processing steps, covering the receipt, decryption, and verification of the digital signature of the file, along with sending back an MDN. It concludes with information on the AS2 HTTP Response Code and the AS2 HTTP Response Headers.

Web UI

To access the AS2 Transmissions log within the Files.com web UI, type "AS2 logs" in the search bar at the top of each page, and then click on the matching result.


The information in the AS2 Transmissions logs can be retrieved programmatically using the List AS2 Incoming Messages API and the List AS2 Outgoing Messages API.


You can use the Files.com CLI App to retrieve the information in the AS2 Transmissions logs by using the following commands.

Use this command to list the Incoming AS2 transmissions:

files-cli as2-incoming-messages list

Use this command to list the Outgoing AS2 transmissions:

files-cli as2-outgoing-messages list

Site Usage

This log shows the site-wide utilization of storage, bandwidth, APIs, and user accounts of your Files.com site.

Web UI

To access the Site Usage information within the Files.com web UI, type "Usage" in the search bar at the top of each page, and then click on the matching result. The information is presented visually and can be interacted with to specify the date range and chart type.


The Site Usage information can be retrieved programmatically using the List Site Usage API.


You can use the Files.com CLI App to retrieve the Site Usage information by using the following command:

files-cli usage-snapshots list

Inbound Emails

This log displays the emails received for your Inboxes configured with an email address, offering valuable information for auditing your senders and the email attachments they send to your inboxes. It helps you determine whether the email attachments were successfully uploaded to your inboxes or failed due to reasons such as domain whitelisting, invalid file types, or other issues.

Inbound Emails log includes information such as the date the email was received, the corresponding Inbox title, the sender's email address, the sender's name, the transaction status (Success, Failed, or Skipped), attachment details including file name(s), and the email body.

Web UI

To access the Inbound Emails information within the Files.com web UI, type "Inbound Emails" in the search bar at the top of each page, and then click on the matching result.


The Inbound Emails information can be retrieved programmatically using the Email Incoming Messages API.


You can use the Files.com CLI App to retrieve the Inbound Emails information by using the following command:

files-cli email-incoming-messages list

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