Read about product and company updates from our engineering, sales, and customer success teams.

July 23, 2024

Automate Management of with Terraform Terraform Provide now available.

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June 30, 2024

What's New for June 2024

We have added several new features and enhanced many of the current features in the month of June.

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June 10, 2024

Still using SFTP with Boomi? There's Something Better!

Updated Boomi Partner Connector for

May 31, 2024

What's New for May 2024

We have added several new features and enhanced many of the current features in the month of May.

April 30, 2024

What's New For April 2024

We have added several new features and enhanced many of the current features in the month of April.

March 31, 2024

What's New for Q1 2024

We have added several new features and enhanced many of the current features in the first quarter of 2024.

February 08, 2024

Automation Configuration Changes may be Required

August 14, 2023

A New Look for

We have introduced a completely new navigation menu, redesigned many of the pages, and added quick references to help and API documentation.

August 01, 2023

Permission Fence - A New Way To Manage Permissions

Allow and deny inherited permissions for better management of folder access.

June 30, 2023

New Integrated Editor for Office Documents

New integrated editor for office documents, spreadsheets and presentations, offers in-browser full-featured co-authoring.

June 26, 2023

Announcing Snapshot Share Links

A new setting for Share Links lets you upload directly from your device and send a specific version of files.

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