Limiting The Number of Concurrent Transfers

The upload, download, and sync operations will attempt to transfer multiple files in parallel. Up to 75 files at a time will be attempted.

Your local operating system, local file system, or local network file system, may have different limits for the number of files that can be opened or transferred concurrently. To decrease or increase the number of concurrent files for the operation, use the --concurrent-connection-limit flag.

files-cli upload /local/path/to/folder/ /remote/path/to/folder/ --send-logs-to-cloud --concurrent-connection-limit=3
files-cli download /remote/path/to/folder/ /local/path/to/folder/ --send-logs-to-cloud --concurrent-connection-limit=3
files-cli sync push --local-path="Documents" --remote-path="Documents" --send-logs-to-cloud --times --concurrent-connection-limit=3

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