Server and Cloud File Sync

If your business is like most others, the thought of only using one cloud platform is not realistic. You probably have multiple teams that store different types of data in various places. Not to mention vendors and clients who each have their own file storage – most likely on entirely different platforms.

You’re looking for with remote server sync capabilities.

Complete Access to All Your Data

We recognize the reality that managing files across multiple platforms can get tricky. Because of this we have built as a window into every cloud storage system your company may be using. This means providing the ability to one-way and two-way sync to and from other cloud and FTP/SFTP storage solutions.

Our platform works whether the data you need to access is in or stored in an external system. Configure a one-way sync to push data to a remote storage location, or to pull files from an FTP server or cloud storage to your account. Two-way sync will maintain current copies of your data in both locations.

Supported Sync Sources/Targets

No matter where your files are stored, you can keep everything up-to-date and in the right place with one-way or two-way syncing.'s sync feature supports direct integration with:

  • Amazon S3
  • Azure Blob Storage
  • Backblaze
  • Dropbox
  • Google Cloud Platform
  • Google Drive
  • Microsoft Azure
  • OneDrive
  • Rackspace
  • SharePoint
  • Wasabi
  • Any other FTP, SFTP, or WebDAV Server

You don't need administrator privileges on the target server to set up a sync -- just a normal user account with read and/or write permissions.

Mirroring Files

One-way sync is perfect for mirroring vendor or client files. A huge use case for the sync feature is to mirror files automatically to or from other servers operated by your clients, vendors, or other teams.

Create a folder for a vendor’s files and configure your one-way or two-way sync to mirror the files. Every time the sync happens based on your configuration; you will have a perfect mirrored copy of the vendor’s files stored in your local folder. This saves tons of time, over waiting for updated files to be sent over or reaching out to clients to request the latest version of a document.

Remote Server Mount

The remote server mount feature is another option that lets you connect with files stored on other platforms. Get a real-time view of your files stored in SharePoint, Azure storage, even a remote FTP server—from a folder in your account.

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