Troubleshooting Web Uploads

The File Manager includes a web-based interface for uploading files, which displays the status of every uploaded file. When a file can't be uploaded for some reason, an error message is displayed in the upload interface for each file.

The status information provided in the upload interface will usually provide enough information to determine the cause of the failure, but sometimes you must do additional research to pinpoint the cause. For example, the error "This upload could not be completed" is a common message that would require additional research to troubleshoot.

Using API Logs for Troubleshooting

A site administrator can search the API Logs for failed operations and view more details, such as the Error Type and the Request-ID.

The Error Type indicates the source of the error. For example, an Error Type of "processing-failure/invalid-filename" indicates that folder settings are preventing the upload.

The Request-ID identifies the specific request. If you need to contact the Support team about a specific failed operation, providing the Request-ID from your API Logs can streamline the process.

No API Activity Logged

When an upload fails and the failed upload is not listed in the API Logs, this indicates that the upload was not received by the platform at all.

One possible cause is content filtering on your network. Some network connections are configured to prevent uploads, sometimes for specific file types such as ZIP or EXE. If you're able to upload without errors from another network, such as tethering through a cellphone, network configuration is the likely culprit, and you should contact your IT department for help.

Another reason failed uploads would not reach the API is if an error in the web browser itself, such as a CORS error. Browsers may block uploads when CORS headers do not match expected values to prevent malicious websites from making unauthorized requests to other domains. Use the developer tools within your web browser to check for error messages.

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