FTP Logs

Files.com offers extensive real-time audit logs for FTP, capturing various details such as the time of the action, remote IP, server IP, username, authentication details, sequence ID, action types, path, file names, FTP command names, entries returned, duration, and status for every FTP file transfer to your site.

We currently retain these logs for 30 days, but we are gradually increasing this to 180 days, with the 180-day retention expected to be in place by 2025.

Below are the details available in FTP logs. Columns such as User, Remote IP, Session UUID, Action, Path, Path on Files.com, and Status can be filterable within a specific date range.

DateStart time of the action.
UserUsername associated with the action.
Remote IPIP address of the FTP client.
Server IPIP address of the FTP server.
Session UUIDSession UUID is a unique identifier assigned to each session, from login to session closure, distinguishing it from other sessions.
Sequence IDFTP sequence ID received from the FTP client.
ActionAction types such as login, disconnect, list directory, create directory, change directory, upload, download, rename, remove, read status, and set status.
PathPath sent by the FTP client. This path may not match with the actual path on Files.com due to user's FTP root folders. This should be delimited by slashes (/), excluding both the start and end slashes with a maximum length of 5000 characters.
Path on Files.comActual path on Files.com.
File NameActual file name.
FTP Command NameFTP Command Name received from the FTP client.
FTP Command ParamFTP Command parameter received from the FTP client.
FTP Response CodeFTP response code we send from server.
FTP Response MessageFTP response message returned to the FTP client.
Entries ReturnedNumber of entries returned when listing files and folders.
StatusStatus such as Success or Failure for each FTP action.
DurationTime taken in milliseconds for the execution of individual action.

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