FTP Tutorial: Windows

Our preferred solution for uploading files to Files.com from Windows is to use the Files.com Desktop App or the Cyberduck app directly (without using FTP).

In a very small number of situations, it may not be possible to use the Desktop app or the direct Cyberduck integration for a given use case. In those situations, another approach is to use FTP. Using an FTP program to upload and download files is simply a different way to transfer files. That's what this tutorial covers.

The program we will use for this tutorial is FileZilla, an easy and free FTP program, though any other FTP client you wish to use will work just fine.

First, download and install FileZilla from their website.

Next, open FileZilla. At the top of the window is the Quickconnect bar. Enter ftpes://app.files.com/ into the Host box, and enter your username and password into the Username and Password boxes. Click Quickconnect.

Because we used ftpes:// rather than ftp://, Filezilla will connect via secure encrypted FTP, which is always preferred.

If all was entered correctly, FileZilla will connect to your site and show your files in your account on the right side of the screen under the heading Remote Site. In the left side under the heading Local Site are your computer’s files.

To copy files to your site, drag them from the left pane to the right pane. To download files from your site, drag them from the right pane to the left pane.

FileZilla offers a resume feature for both uploads and downloads. If a file transfer is interrupted due to connectivity loss, or closing of the application, the transfer can be resumed by reinitiating the action. For example, you can attempt to start the download again. When you do this you will be prompted with the options replace, rename or resume. Choosing resume will continue your download or upload transfer where you left off before the interruption.

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