Troubleshooting AS2

Most issues occur during the initial setup of an AS2 connection. These issues include:

Some issues can occur when a previously working connection no longer works. These issues can include:

Problems Setting Up Your AS2 Identity

If you are having problems setting up your AS2 Identity then the issue could be caused by:

AS2 Identity, or Name, is not accepted.Make sure you enter a unique Identity, or Name. Check that you haven’t already used the Identity, or Name.
My encryption/signing public certificate is not accepted.

Make sure that the certificate is in PEM or CRT format.

Make sure that the certificate is not expired or revoked.

Make sure that the public certificate corresponds to the private key that you entered.

My encryption/signing private key is not accepted.

Make sure that the key is in PEM or CRT format.

Make sure that the key is not expired or revoked.

Make sure that the private key corresponds to the public certificate that you entered.

Make sure that the private key is not password protected or encrypted. To see if a private key is protected, open the PEM or CRT file in a text editor and look at the first line. If it says -----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----- then the key is password protected or encrypted and cannot be imported.

Problems Setting Up a Trading Partner

If you are having problems configuring a trading partner then the issue could be caused by:

Trading partner public certificate is not accepted.

Make sure that the certificate is in PEM or CRT format.

Make sure that the certificate is not expired or revoked.

Trading Partner Having Problems Sending to Me

There are several issues that could cause incoming AS2 transmissions from your trading partners to fail:

Incorrect URL being used.Make sure your trading partner is sending the AS2 transmission to the correct endpoint URL.
Incorrect port being used.Make sure that your trading partner is sending the AS2 transmission to port 443 of your site.
Incorrect AS2 trading partner Identity being used.

The trading partner is specifying an AS2 Identity that does not match your configuration.

Make sure that the AS2 Identity that the trading partner is trying to use exactly matches the AS2 Identity that you specified for them.

This is also known as the "AS2-From" header setting, which you can view in the AS2 Logs.

Incorrect AS2 Identity being used.

The trading partner has not specified your correct AS2 Identity.

Make sure that the AS2 Identity being used by the trading partner to identify you exactly matches your AS2 Identity.

If you have multiple AS2 Identities, then make sure that your trading partner is using the correct one. Check the configuration for the trading partner and confirm that the AS2 Identity shown in the My AS2 Name/Identity column matches what your trading partner is using.

This is also known as the "AS2-To" header setting, which you can view in the AS2 Logs.

Trading partner is using an incorrect encryption certificate.

The trading partner should be using your public certificate to encrypt AS2 transmissions to you. Make sure that the certificate they are using is exactly the same one as you imported in your AS2 identity.

If you have multiple AS2 Identities, make sure that the trading partner is using the correct corresponding certificate.

Resend the trading partner your correct public encryption certificate and verify that they are using it for AS2 transmissions to you.

You are using an incorrect trading partner signing certificate.

The trading partner will be using their private certificate to sign AS2 transmissions to you. You will have received a corresponding public certificate from your trading partner. Make sure that the corresponding trading partner public certificate that you are using matches the public certificate that they provided you with.

Check with the trading partner that the public certificate that they sent you corresponds to the private certificate that they are using to sign their AS2 transmissions to you.

Problems Sending to a Trading Partner

There are several issues that could cause outgoing AS2 transmissions to your trading partners to fail:

ISSUEResolution Steps
Incorrect URL being used.

Make sure you are sending the AS2 transmission to the correct endpoint URL for your trading partner.

Check with your trading partner that the endpoint URL is correct and not being blocked by firewall rules.

Invalid, expired, or untrusted SSL certificate is being used at the AS2 URL.

SSL certificates should be valid, chained and trusted. Use an online SSL Certificate checker, such as SSL Shopper, to check the trading partner’s AS2 URL and make sure that the SSL certificate being used is valid.

If an invalid, unchained, or self-signed SSL certificate is being used by the trading partner, you can configure to allow this less secure connection by editing the trading partner entry, and change the Server certificate option to "Allow self-signed, unchained, expired, or non-matching TLS/SSL certificate".

Incorrect AS2 trading partner Identity being used.

You have specified an AS2 Identity that does not match your trading partner’s configuration.

Make sure that the AS2 Identity that you are trying to use exactly matches the AS2 Identity that they provided you with.

This is also known as the "AS2-To" header setting, which you can view in the AS2 Logs.

Incorrect AS2 Identity being used.

You are not using your correct AS2 Identity.

Make sure that your AS2 Identity that you are using with the trading exactly matches the AS2 Identity that you provided to them.

If you have multiple AS2 Identities, then make sure that you are using the correct one. Check the configuration for the trading partner and confirm that the AS2 Identity shown in the My AS2 Name/Identity column matches what you are using.

This is also known as the "AS2-From" header setting, which you can view in the AS2 Logs.

You are using an incorrect partner encryption certificate.

You should be using your trading partner’s public certificate to encrypt AS2 transmissions to them. Make sure that the certificate you imported for the trading partner is the correct one.

The trading partner will have provided you with this certificate. Check with them that you have the correct one.

The trading partner is using an incorrect public certificate.

The trading partner should be using your public certificate to verify the digital signature of your AS2 transmissions to them. You will have provided them with a public certificate that corresponds to your private certificate. Make sure that the public certificate that you sent to the trading partner is the same one as the one you used to configure your AS2 identity.

If you have multiple AS2 Identities, then make sure you sent the trading partner the correct public certificate that corresponds to the AS2 Identity that you are using with them.

Invalid or Badly Formatted MDN

Typically, the content of a returned MDN is formatted as a Multipart MIME, wrapped in an encrypted and signed file. AS2 will automatically attempt to decrypt the file and verify its signature. If the decryption succeeds, you will be able to view the contents of the MDN in the AS2 Logs.

A correctly formatted MDN will look like this:

Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=disposition-notification; boundary="----=_Part_1_20231005223333321"

Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

The AS2 message has been received successfully

Content-Type: message/disposition-notification
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Original-Recipient: rfc822; YOUR_AS2_PARTNER
Final-Recipient: rfc822; YOUR_AS2_PARTNER
Original-Message-ID: <>
Disposition: automatic-action/MDN-sent-automatically; processed
Received-Content-MIC: WoWTby7qm+yTTydEWhG9Um7llknPrWCTNiSUvnOOROM=, sha-256


Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s"



Any returned processing messages from your trading partner's system should be contained within the first segment of the multipart MIME message.

In the above example, the returned message is:

The AS2 message has been received successfully

This returned message will vary from system to system but as long as it is placed within the above multipart MIME structure then you can treat it as a valid and trusted return receipt from your trading partner.

However, when an error occurs, some AS2 or EDI systems may output their error messages into the MDN.

Instead of being correctly formatted, the MDN will contain the "raw" error message, rather than the expected multipart MIME format.

This "raw" error message can look like any typically cryptic error message that gets written to a log file.

You should send this raw error message to your trading partner so that they can troubleshoot their side of the AS2 connection, or their EDI processing system, to find the cause of the error.

Incorrectly Signed MDN

When a returned MDN can be decrypted successfully but has been signed by an invalid Signing certificate then the AS2 logs will show a MDN indicates a processing failure message.

This effectively means "We received a valid MDN, saying that the file was delivered successfully, but it's signed by someone that we can't verify so we can't trust the MDN's validity."

We provide an option for you to specify the MDN validation level to be performed in order to consider the AS2 transmission to be a success. This option allows you to accept MDNs based on varying levels of validation. Try setting this option to a lower level of validation for the trading partner.

Check with your trading partner to verify that they are signing the MDN using the correct AS2 certificate. The MDN should be signed using the private certificate key that corresponds to the public certificate they provided to you to set up the AS2 partnership.

The returned MDN may include a signature that is encoded in either base64 or binary formats.

If you need to provide the incorrect signature details to your trading partner, it can be found within the MDN contents, usually as the last segment.

PEM Base64 Encoded Signature

A PEM base64 encoded signature looks like this:

Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s"



You can also decode the MDN signature using the openssl command line tool.

Save the above MDN segment to a file, then run this command:

openssl asn1parse -i -in /path/to/signature_file.txt

The output will show the details of the certificate that was used to sign the MDN, which you can provide to your trading partner to help them identify and correct this issue.

If the above command fails with an error that says "Error reading PEM file" then the signature might have been signed using an old pre-PEM Base64 format instead. Try this command to decode the signature:

openssl asn1parse -i -inform B64 -in /path/to/signature_file.txt

Binary Signature

Binary format signatures cannot be viewed properly in text editors, but look somewhat like this:

Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature; name=smime.p7s; smime-type=signed-data
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s"
Content-Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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You can also decode the MDN signature using the openssl command line tool.

Using a binary safe editor, save the above MDN segment to a file. Only save the binary data, starting after the blank line, and do not include any of the header or footer tags. Then run this command on the binary signature file:

openssl asn1parse -i -in /path/to/signature_file.bin --inform DER

The output will show the details of the certificate that was used to sign the MDN, which you can provide to your trading partner to help them identify and correct this issue.

Certificate Purpose

The signing of AS2 messages and MDN receipts uses X.509 Certificates. The structure of these certificates includes fields that specify the purpose that the certificate can be used for.

AS2 allows the use of various types of these certificates including, for example, self-signed certificates. Each of your trading partners will have their own certificate standards and so partner certificates will vary in their configuration.

We provide an option for you to specify the MDN validation level, which provides different levels of validation against these different types of signing certificate.

You can use the following command to display a certificate's purpose:

openssl x509 -in /path/to/as2_partner.pem -noout -purpose

Transmissions from My Trading Partner Have Stopped Working

If a previously working inbound transmission stops working then the cause could be:

The trading partner has changed something on their side.

Contact the trading partner and find out what they changed.

If they renewed, updated, or changed their AS2 certificates then ask them to send you their new public certificate. Re-import the new public certificate into the trading partner configuration.

You renewed, updated, or changed your AS2 certificates.

Make sure that you sent your trading partner your new public certificate.

Contact the trading partner and verify that they are using your new public certificate for AS2 transmissions.

Transmissions to My Trading Partner Have Stopped Working

If a previously working outbound transmission stops working then the cause could be:

ISSUEResolution Steps
The SSL certificate on the trading partner’s AS2 endpoint URL has expired or is no longer valid.

Contact the trading partner and ask them to renew the SSL certificate on their AS2 endpoint URL. Use an online SSL Certificate checker, such as SSL Shopper, to check the trading partner’s AS2 URL and make sure that the SSL certificate being used is valid.

If an invalid, unchained, or self-signed SSL certificate is being used by the trading partner, you can configure to allow this less secure connection by editing the trading partner entry, and change the Server certificate option to "Allow self-signed, unchained, expired, or non-matching TLS/SSL certificate".

The trading partner has changed something on their side.

Contact the trading partner and find out what they changed.

If they renewed, updated, or changed their AS2 certificates then ask them to send you their new public certificate. Re-import the new public certificate into the trading partner configuration.

If they changed their AS2 endpoint URL then update the trading partner configuration with the new URL.

You renewed, updated, or changed your AS2 certificates.

Make sure that you sent your trading partner your new public certificate.

Contact the trading partner and verify that they are using your new public certificate for AS2 transmissions.

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