Viewing Transmission Information

Details of incoming and outgoing AS2 transmissions can be found in the AS2 Logs.

Incoming and outgoing messages are listed separately.

Each table can be configured to specify which columns are displayed.

Column NameDescription
Date/TimeShows the date and time of the transmission.
StatusShows the outcome of the transmission.
File SizeShows the size of the transmitted file.
File NameShows the name of the transmitted file, if available.
Sender IDShows the AS2 Identifier of the sender.
Receiver IDShows the AS2 Identifier of the receiver.
HTTP Response CodeShows the HTTP Response CodeExternal LinkThis link leads to an external website and will open in a new tab of the AS2 transmission, which can be useful in troubleshooting AS2 setup and configuration issues. 200 is a success response code. Other values will indicate different failure types.
HTTP Response HeadersShows the HTTP Response HeadersExternal LinkThis link leads to an external website and will open in a new tab of the AS2 transmission, which can be useful in troubleshooting AS2 setup and configuration issues. The important headers used by AS2 are Content-Type, MIME-Version, Message-ID, AS2-From, AS2-To, and AS2-Version.
File ContentsProvides a link to open and view the file contents, if available.
MDN ExistsSpecifies if a Message Disposition Notification is available for this transmission.
AS2 ProcessingProvides information about the outcomes of the various AS2 processing steps that were performed.
MDN ContentsProvides a link to open and view the Message Disposition Notification, if available.
Transmission DurationShows the estimated duration of the transmission, if available.

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