Administrative Permission Levels

There are four different types of administrative permission levels that can be granted to a user account. These allow you to assign granular capabilities to different user roles, helping you segregate duties and responsibilities of your users.

Site Administrator

Site Administrators are the highest level. Users with this permission have access to and authority over everything within your site including users, data, settings, and logs. The first user created on a site is a Site Administrator by default, however does not have any special permissions beyond that. The initial user can have his or her Site Administrator status revoked by another Site Administrator.

Group Administrator

This type of administrator is able to add and create users to existing groups for which the administrator is responsible. Once users are created, group administrators are not able to alter them. Any subsequent changes must be performed by a site administrator.

Folder Administrator

This type of administrator is able to manage folder settings for specific folders. A site administrator or another folder administrator must grant this user folder administrator privileges for specific folders. Subfolders inherit folder administrator privileges by default. The same user may be both a Group Administrator and a Folder Administrator for one or more groups or folders.

Billing Administrator

This type of administrator is able to access the User Profile > Account tab and can see billing information, invoice history, and usage data.

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