Read about product and company updates from our engineering, sales, and customer success teams.

August 07, 2018

Updates to Terms of Service

To better serve BrickFTP users, we have amended our Terms of Service to provide clarity and further definition to our policies. As a loyal customer, we want to notify you of these changes that have gone into effect.

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September 12, 2018

Ending Support for the Old BrickFTP Desktop Sync App

Due to low usage and significant costs, time, and effort to maintain, the BrickFTP Desktop Sync App is no longer supported.

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October 04, 2018

We Now Support ED25519 Keys

As part of BrickFTP’s commitment to data security for all customers, the team is rolling out several new features aimed at higher levels of protection for your stored and transferred files. The platform now supports ED25519 keys, the most recommended available public key algorithm currently available.

March 27, 2018

Two Changes to SSL

Please be aware of two changes related to SSL on BrickFTP.

March 05, 2018

Announcing BrickFTP V3 Release

The BrickFTP team is excited to announce the launch of a major update to the main Files page of BrickFTP.

May 01, 2018

How Healthcare Businesses Can Avoid a Data Breach

In an era where vast amounts of data are floating around and being accessed from a large network of devices, cloud file sharing security must be a top priority for any enterprise that collects personal or sensitive information. The threat of a data breach is an especially serious reality for those in industries where sensitive, confidential information is being collected from clients or patients. Healthcare professionals, in particular, should be keenly aware of the consequences that can occur when the security of patient records is left unchecked.

May 09, 2018

How To Solve 5 Retail Compliance Challenges With a Secure File Transfer Platform

Any business handling private customer information must have a data security plan in place — of particular note is those storing credit card numbers. Retailers not only need a secure file transfer platform for their own internal records, they also need to be mindful of where they are housing information pertaining to their customer base. There is a level of trust among shoppers when they voluntarily pass their financial information along to stores to purchase an item or provide contact info for a loyalty or reward program. Retail businesses need to take every actionable measure possible to avoid data breaches and ensure the safekeeping of their clients’ information.

April 25, 2018

What Is GDPR Readiness? 5 Fast Facts To Prepare Your Business

Beginning May 25, 2018, enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation will go into effect. Organizations across the globe conducting business in the EU will be impacted by this EU Parliament regulation, including but not limited to health care providers, media agencies, law firms and financial professionals. Businesses large and small need to prepare for changing regulations regarding the privacy of customer sensitive data, how and where it is stored, which devices it lives on and how it is accessed, lest they face significant violations leading to substantial fines.

May 04, 2018

Do Millennials Pose a Data Security Risk to Your Business?

Millennials, currently the largest living generation, account for a third of the U.S. labor force. In seven years, it is estimated that millennials will surpass Gen X and Baby Boomers in the workplace by making up 75 percent of those employed. It's no secret this generation is highly connected and digitally savvy, having grown up with technologies that continue to emerge and improve at lightning-fast speeds.

March 21, 2018

Taking GDPR Seriously

Here at BrickFTP, we've been studying the new European GDPR regulation for quite some time.

April 16, 2018

New Server IP Addresses and Regional Storage Pre-Announcement

Exciting things are in the works here at BrickFTP! We are very close to launching our new International File Storage feature, which will allow all of our customers to choose the country (or countries) in which their files are stored.

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