List Folder Contents


Get a listing of files/folders for the specified path.



Replace with your site address.

Request Parameters

NameData TypeDescription
access_tokenstringRequired. The session key that identifies which user is authenticated. Either an access token returned by the authenticateUser function, or a a user API Key.
pathstringRequired. Path to list the contents of.
patternstringOnly include items whose name contains the supplied string.
offsetintegerUsed for paginating responses. Skip this number of results.
limitintegerUsed for paginating responses. Limit the total number of returned results.
sortBystringHow to sort the results.
Valid options: sort_files_name, sort_files_size, sort_files_date, or sort_files_type
sortOrderstringWhat direction to sort the results.
Valid options asc or desc


The legacy ExaVault API does not include cursor-based pagination. Instead, you can use the limit and offset request parameters to restrict the number of results returned, and make multiple requests to retrieve subsequent pages of results.

The limit parameter is the maximum number of results that can be returned, starting from the beginning of the list or from the offset parameter value, if that was provided. The value of limit cannot be larger than 10,000.

The offset parameter represents how many records to skip before returning up to limit number of results.


You can specify what order the results will be returned by using the sortBy parameter. Valid options are sort_files_name, sort_files_size, sort_files_date, or sort_files_type. All sorting is case-insensitive.

The sortBy parameter option sort_files_date depends upon your site's setting for last modified date semantics. If your site allows FTP/SFTP/WebDAV/Web clients to manually set the modified date for a file, then the files will be sorted based on that provided value, which means a file that was recently updated in your site might not appear to be recently modified. If your site does not allow clients to override the modified date, the files will be sorted based on the last time they were changed within the platform.

The sortBy parameter option sort_files_type refers to each item's type, which is either a directory or a file.

The sort order is ascending by default. To sort in descending order, set the sortOrder parameter to desc.

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